Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fat at forty

I was very slim and trim a year ago.... but now as I approach 40 I'm experiencing middle age spread. Quite a challenge for someone who for 30+ years had to do no exercising or workouts. So what brought on the weight gain? Could be a slowing down of metabolism, more driving/less walking, more time in front of tv/ pc or a combination of all these. So now I have to find a way to get back slim. So I went online and found a site called www.nowloss.com. I got a lot of simple exercises that I can do quite easily. So I have decided to try some of these. Hope to lose some of the 40+ pounds I have put on since last year. So if you're like me around 40 years or so and having problems with losing weight don't give up look around there are many sites that offer helpful advice and suggestions.

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